
Hi Readers,

I haven't really done OOTD posts, because I usually just throw on any piece of clothing and go about my business......

Over the weekend I went to a friend’s birthday lunch. It was a casual affair, so automatically I thought to wear jeans and flats.

However, at the last minute, I changed my mind and wore this instead:

Blazer, T-Shirt, Leggings - H&M (featured in previous posts)
Boots - Topshop
Bag - Zara (recently bought on sale, £9.99)

My outfit is similar to Shirley's of Meek n Mild:

In fact, my look was inspired by Shirley. I had the same blazer as her and was able to recreate her outfit to my own taste, which I felt would be a good look for the lunch. I think she has great style. I always look forward to her posts. I encourage you to check out her blog here. She also has a YouTube channel, which you can access from her blog.

I received really nice compliments at the lunch, from the Birthday Girl and other guests!


  1. wowww chi-chi you look great! love that blazer <3 pls do more outfit posts, i'd love to see them:)

    and yeaaah... i heard there's going to be a VS store in London very soon! and i'm really excited:) one more reason to travel to London haha:)

    lots of love xx

  2. Great outfit, love the jacket and the boots
    Hope you had a good time at your friends birthday lunch

  3. Love the outfit, great blazer! :) x


  4. Love the outfit especially the coat :)


  5. I love this Chic, the colour suits you as well, and thank you ;( am sure I'll be okay soon xxx


  6. you did a wonderful job recreating her look! love your leggings and boots

  7. that blazer is beautiful! shirley always looks gorgeous, you definitely did a good job with the look :) x



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