Hello fellow reader! My name is Chi-Chi and welcome to my blog!
In February 2012 after much deliberation, I decided to borrow a piece of the World Wide Web and start my own blog.
How do I describe this blog? Hmmmm…..
I suppose I can call it a lifestyle blog – it does not have a particular direction, but it features elements of my life and my style.
I don’t expect this blog to become influential, but I hope it serves as a bit of inspiration for those who read it.
For those of you who stumble across this blog, welcome; I hope you enjoy it!
About the Blogger
I am a "Millennial" Londoner, working in the legal profession as a lawyer (I’m not a city high flyer!) and blogging on the side.
I’m more Foodie than Fashionista, more Bookworm than Babe……you’ll probably notice this from the posts I write!
In addition to being a legal eagle, I'm an avid reader; a lover of knowledge; an over-thinker; a borderline hoarder x
Unless otherwise stated, all photos are taken by and belong to me. If you do wish to use them please contact, and on permission being granted please ensure that you link back to the source and credit my blog.
With the exception of comments made on posts by others, and unless otherwise stated, all opinions are my own.
Putting You on Notice.......
With the exception of comments made on posts by others, and unless otherwise stated, all opinions are my own.