Nail Effects

Hi all!

Just a very quick post (before I hit my bed) to show off what’s currently on my nails:

Barry M
Gold (Colour 289); Nail Effects in Black (Colour311)

When I first sampled the Nail Effects, I really wasn’t that impressed with it. But having seen so many people use it especially on my friend’s nails (which you can see here) I decided to give it another go.

The nail polish has been on since Saturday and has lasted quite well. It is starting to chip, but the crack effect takes attention away from the chipping.

I think it’s due to the colour combination that makes the above Nail Effects successful. I have been able to go work to work with these nails and I have received nice comments about the nails – from the women obviously, because the guys in office don’t tend to notice changes straight away!

I think will try to experiment with other colours…….

Have you tried Nail Effects? Which colour combinations do you recommend?


  1. I love the crackle polish. I've yet to try it out but always love it when I see others rocking it. :) Hopefully I can try it soon. Great post.

    I would love for you to stop by and check out my latest outfit post!

  2. I really like your nails...super cute.

    Indi CNN Doll

  3. loving the nails. I need to try this. fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest post for xo

  4. Loving the nails!
    Cute effect huh c: ♥

  5. love the nails. <3

    btw, I followed you.
    it would be nicer if you could follow back.
    Hey Miss!
    Hey Miss!
    Hey Miss!


  6. TWINS!!! Literally painted the black cracked nail effect on tonight



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