
The World Cup well under way….for the next 3 ½ weeks international football will dominate conversation, the media, and the emotions of many men and women, praying and hoping that their country will win!

In the build up to the World Cup, there has been a lot controversy – the people of Brazil have expressed their discontent at the amount of money that the Government has spent of the international football tournament by hosting several protests and strikes. Qatar continues to be scrutinised amidst allegations of bribery of FIFA officials and corruption. This has given food for thought as to who the actual winners and losers are of the World Cup…..

There has also been a lot of hype too. Nike recently hosted a week of football related events at the Old Sorting Office in Holborn. Their campaign? #RiskEverything:

Nike also held games for the youth; there was something for everyone
I was lucky enough to attend a couple of events aimed at the Nike Run Clubs of London and Nike Training Club:
Stratford Run Club's flag!!

The flags of rival Nike Run Clubs

The Nike Run Clubs of London competed against each other in a football tournament; I didn’t take part but was there to support Westfield Stratford Run Club. Our team did not have the strongest skills (by far!) but when it came to support we were one of the loudest!

Some of the players got really competitive...to the point that the MC had to warn them that
they need to avoid injuries as running season was well underway!

The NTC class was intense and hardcore - we were trained by 3 Master Trainers and got to use equipment for our circuit training (no pics of this class - I was busy working up a sweat!). We were treated to breakfast after.....I was hungry. So hungry I ate a bacon and boiled egg white sandwich - even though I don't like eating egg!

At the time of writing, the World Cup has had quite a few surprises – Spain (winners of the World Cup in 2010 and Euro 2008 and 2012) and England crashed out at the first stage; Croatia beat Cameroon 4 – 0; Dempsey of USA scored the 5th fastest World Cup goal (approx. 33 secs against Ghana); Portugal and Cameroon down to 10 men when members of their teams couldn't keep their temperament. For those of you interested, there are bound to be a few more surprises as each team will #RiskEverything

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh so that is where the names for the run clubs came from! I am soooo over the world cup but the events look / sound fun :)


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